Sunday, December 18, 2011

Save money on your next prescription!


Hi Everyone,
I’m working with a nonprofit association that is involved in a massive nationwide campaign to assist individuals, families, along with businesses that are without prescription drug coverage. We are giving away free discount prescription cards. There is NO cost for anyone to use this service and the card has no limits and will never expire. If you are without prescription drug coverage this discount card will provide immediate relief to yourself and family.  Just go to the web site and fill out the small form and receive your prescription cards instantly.  You can print as many as you need. Although this is not insurance you can take it to any of over 60,000 participating pharmacies nationwide and receive 10% - 75%  savings.  Currently there are over 300,000 people using this card a month. Saving 100,000s of thousands a week. We are asking for everyone’s help in getting this out to the nation. You can help by just forwarding this post to your facebook or twitter friends. Even if you personally have coverage by forwarding this message to everyone you know, you can have a major impact in someone’s life.If you are interested in the business watch the click on the opportunity link on the website or take a minute to watch the video below.

Thank you and have a wonderful day!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Our Honeymoon

Hey Everyone!
So here we are back from our honeymoon and let me tell you it was absolutely amazing. We did so many things and had so many experiences, if I wrote about them it would be a freakin novel. We saw things I would never thought in a million years that I would be able to see. The people over there were super nice and love where they come from. We just want to say thank you to everyone that helped us with this trip. We could not have done it with you. There are tons of pictures and video of our whole trip and watch out because you all will get a chance to see them very soon! Coming back home was definitely reliving but we would love to go on another trip next year. Lila and I are very grateful to have the support behind us for this trip and we love you all very much. From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU! Like I said keep your eye out in your mail box for some images from our trip.